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Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB933903), the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2012BAI23B08), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 20974065, 51173117, and 50830107).
Polymer-mediated self-assembly of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles allows modulation of the structure of SPIO nanocrystal cluster and their magnetic properties. In this study, dopamine-functionalized polyesters (DA-polyester) were used to directly control the magnetic nanoparticle spacing and its effect on magnetic resonance relaxation properties of these clusters was investigated. Monodisperse SPIO nanocrystals with different surface coating materials (poly(ε-caprolactone), poly(lactic acid)) of different molecular weights containing dopamine (DA) structure (DA-PCL2k, DA-PCL1k, DA-PLA1k)) were prepared via ligand exchange reaction, and these nanocrystals were encapsulated inside amphiphilic polymer micelles to modulate the SPIO nanocrystal interparticle spacing. Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) was applied to quantify the interparticle spacing of SPIO clusters. The results demonstrated that the tailored magnetic nanoparticle clusters featured controllable interparticle spacing providing directly by the different surface coating of SPIO nanocrystals. Systematic modulation of SPIO nanocrystal interparticle spacing can regulate the saturation magnetization (Ms) and T2 relaxation of the aggregation, and lead to increased magnetic resonance (MR) relaxation properties with decreased interparticle spacing.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), one of the commonly used clinical imaging techniques, has been widely applied for assessing a variety of diseases, but it usually requires the assistance of a contrast agent to increase image sensitivity.[1–5] Typically, the contrast agents contain paramagnetic agents and superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles.[6–9] However, paramagnetic gadolinium chelates have low sensitivity and require effective concentration of 10–100 μM for enhanced visualization.[10] SPIO nanoparticles are strong enhancers of proton relaxation with superior MR transverse relaxation (T2) shortening effects, and can be used at a much lower concentration than paramagnetic agents.[9,11,12] For this reason, considerable interest has been focused on the properties of SPIO nanoparticles including their size, morphology, dopant, coating thickness, and degree of SPIO nanocrystal clustering to obtain high-performance T2 MRI contrast agents.[13–15]
Control of SPIO nanocrystal aggregation is a well-established method to optimize their T2 relaxivity. When multiple SPIO nanocrystals are gathered together into clusters, their T2 relaxivity is greatly improved over single SPIO nanoparticles, leading to a much better signal contrast enhancement.[15,16] Commercial SPIO contrast agents, such as Resovist and Feridex, exhibit enhanced MRI imaging sensitivity and high relaxivities of up to about 150 Fe m·M−1·s−1, due to a high degree of particle aggregation in cell endosomes.[17] Weller suggested that these magnetic clusters are in agreement with the static dephasing regime theory which can result in higher MRI contrast effect.[18] Moreover, T2 relaxation rate of magnetic clusters depends on the cluster size, and is directly proportional to their size when they are stable colloidal solutions.[19] It is speculated that SPIO nanocrystals’ interparticle spacing is a considerable account on influencing the magnetic properties of their nanoclusters, because it plays a significant role in regulating the physical interactions between SPIO nanocrystals and ultimately the magnetization of their aggregation.[20] Understanding of the relationship between SPIO interparticle spacing and relaxivity performance of a collection of SPIO nanocrystals is critical for the design of effective imaging probes and their applications in medical imaging.
Herein, tailored magnetic nanoparticle platform for the controlled assembly of SPIO nanocrytals with different surface coating materials was developed. In order to investigate the magnetic relaxation processes involved in the SPIO interparticle spacing, we modulated nanoparticle interparticle spacing directly by the different surface coating thickness of SPIO nanocrystals. Simultaneously, the coating thickness was varied by changing the length of coating ligands. The tailored nanoparticle formation is illustrated in Fig.
The synthesis of the versatile anchor and ligand exchange process are illustrated in Fig.
The ligands were synthesized respectively by ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone (ε-CL) or D, L-lactide using 3, 4-Dibenzyloxyphenethylamine as initiator in anhydrous toluene and stannous octoate (Sn(Oct)2) as a catalyst. A stoichiometric amount of polymeric monomers was added according to the desired molecular weight of exchange ligands. The reaction mixture was stirred at 100 °C for 48 h, and the products were collected by precipitation in diethyl ether under vigorous stirring. In this way, we respectively gained Bn2-DA-PCL1k, Bn2-DA-PCL2k, and Bn2-DA-PLA1k polymers. The removal of benzyl protecting group was carried out in THF/methanol solution with 10% of Pd/C catalyst (0.01 equiv) under 5 atm of hydrogen in an agitated autoclave. After stirred for 72 h at 40 °C, the mixture was filtered, concentrated, dried and obtained DA-capping polymers (DA-PCL1k, DA-PCL2k, and DA-PLA1k). The structure and molecular weight characterization of polymers were confirmed via combined 1H NMR and by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) (HLC-8320GPC, Japan) operating with THF as eluent and calibrated with polystyrene standards.
The monodisperse SPIO nanocrystals (6 nm in diameter) were prepared as described in a previous publication.[21] The ligand exchange of the as-made SPIO nanocrystals with DA-PCL1k, DA-PCL2k, or DA-PLA1k was described as follows. In a 10 mL glass bottle, 10 mg DA-capped polymers was dissolved in 3 mL of dimethyl formamide (DMF), while SPIO nanocrystals (∼10 mg) was dispersed in hexane (3 mL). Then the layered solution was placed in an ultrasound bath and sonicated for 30 min. SPIO nanocrystals were then transferred from the upper hexane solution to the lower DMF solution layer. DMF phase was collected and centrifuged at 400000 rpm (×3). The precipitate was redispersed in CH2Cl2, and the resulted solution was dialyzed against CH2Cl2 to remove residual DMF (MWCO 50 kDa). Finally, these nanoparticles were filtered through 0.22 μm PTFE Acrodisc® syringe filters (PALL Corp.) to remove aggregates.
The size and distribution of SPIO nanocrystals in hexane were evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS, Zetasizer Nano ZS, Malvern, U.K.) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Tecnai G2 F20 S-TWIN, FEI, US), respectively. Nanoparticle samples for TEM analysis were prepared by drying the dispersion of SPIO nanoparticles on amorphous carbon coated copper grids.
SPIO nanoparticles in hexane were dried under argon flow and redispersed in THF together with polymers. Then, the mixed solution was slowly added into Milli-Q water (produced by Milli-Q Biocel, Milli-pore, USA) with sonication. Using SPIO with different coating layer materials and various copolymers, a series of polymer/SPIO micelles were prepared to regulate the interparticle spacing of SPIO nanoparticles. The mixture was under shaking overnight and THF was removed through rotary evaporation.
Particle size distribution and morphology of micelles were characterized by DLS and TEM (Libra200FE, Carl zeiss, Germany), respectively. Iron concentration from SPIO nanocomposite samples were measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS, AA800, PerkineElmer, USA) by calculating with a standard curve obtained from iron calibration standard.
SAXS measurements have been used to quantify SPIO nanocrystal interparticle spacing of the nanocomposites using a synchrotron x-ray source, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF, BL16B1). In SAXS sample preparation, a series of SPIO loaded micelles were lyophilized after separately centrifuged (10000 rpm for 2 h) in 1.5 mL micro centrifugal tube.
For the SAXS experiment, monochromatic x-rays (1.24 Å) with an energy of 10 keV were collected using a Rayonix MX225-HE detector (pixel size: 73.2 μm) and diffraction data was recorded using a MAR Research CCD area detector (pixel size: 80 μm). Two-dimensional SAXS images were reduced to the one-dimension form using angular integration and shown after background subtraction and normalization using the FIT2D. Scattering vectors (q) were calculated from the scattering angles (2θ) using q = 4π/λ sin (2θ/2), where 2θ is the scattering angle and λ is the x-ray wavelength. The interparticle spacing (d) was calculated from the principal scattering maxima (q*) using d = 2π/q*.
The lyophilized samples used for SAXS were carefully transferred to the appropriate holder for analysis of their magnetization using a physical property measurement system vibrating sample magnetometer (PPMS-VSM, Quantum Design, San Diego, U.S.). Hysteresis loops (−30 kOe–30 kOe) were collected at 300 K and normalized to the saturation magnetization.
T2 relaxivities of SPIO loaded nanocomposites were measured at 1.5 T on a clinical MR scanner (Siemens Sonata) at room temperature. The T2-weighted images were acquired with a conventional spin echo acquisition (TR = 5000 ms) with TE values ranging from 6 to 500 ms. Relaxivity values of r2 were calculated through the curve fitting of 1/T2 relaxation time (s−1) versus the iron concentration (mM).
The gel permeation chromatography (GPC) (HLC-8320GPC, Japan) analyses revealed that the number-average molecular weight (Mn) of all polyesters (Bn2-DA-PCL1k, Bn2-DA-PCL2k, and Bn2-DA-PLA1k) agrees well with their calculated values from 1H NMR spectrum (CDCl3), and typical results are summarized in Table
![]() | Table 1. Characteristics of the prepared DA-capping polymers with various molecular weight. . |
As synthesized, these monodisperse SPIO (OA-SPIO) nanocrystals are coated with oleate/oleylamine, making them stable in hexane and some other nonpolar or weakly polar organic solvents. Comparison of the status before and after ligand exchange with DA-polyester, one can see that surface modified SPIO nanocrystals (collectively called DA-SPIO) were transferred to dimethylformamide (DMF) solution (at the bottom) from hexane solution (at the top) (see Fig.
In this context, we directly studied the chemical structure of organic molecules anchored onto the surface of SPIO nanocrystals via high-resolution magic-angle spinning (HRMAS) 1H NMR spectroscopy. The HRMAS 1H NMR spectra of SPIO nanocrystals dispersed in CDCl3 were obtained with quite narrow and split signals corresponding to the characteristic protons of the covalently bound ligands at 5 kHz MAS rates (see Fig.
One viable method to control SPIO nanocrystals aggragation is self-assembly. The assembly process of copolymer/SPIO micelles was achieved through the slow addition of the THF mixture solution of SPIO nanocrystals and copolymers to water under sonication. The aggregate size control was achieved by adjusting the copolymer/SPIO naocrystal mass ratio. DLS measurement showed narrow distribution of hydrodynamic size of these composite micelles, and all micelles are in the range of around 60 nm for mPEG5k-PCL5k/SPIO micelles and 50 nm for mPEG5k-PLA5k/SPIO micelles (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. DLS data of micelles in water loaded with SPIO nanocrystals which are coated with different polyesters. |
SAXS technique is an efficient analytical method which determines the structure of particle systems in terms of aggregate ordering, separation, and nanoparticle spacing within the aggregate. In this work, SAXS was applied to quantify SPIO nanocrystals interparticle spacing of the nanocomposites (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BL16B1). As shown in Fig.
As expected, the spacing values of the assembled samples (see Figs.
The intrinsic magnetization is an important parameter for SPIO nanoparticles’ biomedical applications, because it has direct correlations with contrast efficacy of SPIO contrast agents. Figures
The correlation analysis of SPIO interparticle spacing and T2 relaxivities of these SPIO clusters were also observed from Figs.
![]() | Table 2. Summaries of magnetic property data of all resultant nanocomposites. . |
In this study, monodisperse SPIO nanocrystals with different surface coating materials were prepared via ligand exchange reaction, and encapsulation of these nanocrystals inside polymer micelles could modulate SPIO nanocrystal interparticle spacing and the magnetic behaviors of their clusters. The current work demonstrated that the hydrodynamic size of SPIO nanocrystals increased with their surface coating thickness. Moreover, the assembly of these SPIO nanocrystals directly modulated the magnetic relaxation behaviors of their clusters. The Ms and T2 relaxivities of SPIO clusters followed an increasing trend with the reduction of SPIO interparticle spacing.
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